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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Update on Nexus One Gingerbread Call Delay Issue

Recently we reported about an issue that people who own Nexus One's and have upgraded to "Gingerbread" have been having with a 3 second or so delay in hearing or being heard when answering calls on their device.  People have been posting their issues in the Gingerbread issue tracker, but not getting much help.

Today, Google's Dan Morrill weighed in and said that since the issue is device specific, it should be pursued in the Google Mobile Help Forum.  Certainly not what you were hoping to hear from Google first thing, as it feels like the issue is being shunted to a different department.

If you are having the issue, make sure to put your feedback in the Forum using the link above.  Frustrated yet? A.

Im pretty upset of the way Dan closed the issue after amounted over 200 new users when it was first reported here. Falzone

It's frustrating but understandable: if they work specifically on the device-independent parts of Android, it makes sense that they wouldn't be able to help with an issue that is device-dependent.

I've actually been having the same issue on my G2 running CM7. I don't use the phone much, so it doesn't bother me.


I don't know

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