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Thursday, April 21, 2011

AndroidGuys Weekly RoundUp April 11-16

Sorry we haven't had a Weekly RoundUp in awhile, guys. Blame fried hard drives and stupidity on my part. Now, it's time to take a quick look at all that we covered last week! Devices that caught our eye(s):The Toshiba Honeycomb tablet was announced, and is coming to a Best buy near youThe Galaxy S 2 is headed to the UKVerizon may be launching a 16GB version of the Moto XoomWe got a closer look at the Sony Ericsson AcroSome Droid Incredible 2 press shots were seen in the wildThe Sprint Nexus S 4G became available for preorderVirgin Mobile's Samsung Intercept is getting some Froyo love in the next few weeksWe learned that the HTC Evo 4G and Thunderbolt might be getting Gingerbread by the end of Q2Speaking of Gingerbread, the Droid X finally got an official 2.3 OTALG and AT&T announced the LG ThriveOur own Scott Webster reviewed iGloLED Lights, which can be controlled with an Android deviceElonex announced 6 Android tablets available on the cheap in the UKThe HTC Flyer went up for preorder in the UK, along with the Samsung Galaxy ProThe Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Galaxy S2 were benchmarkedThe Samsung Droid Charge was seen in the wild, possibly with LTE capabilitiesINQ launched the Cloud Touch Facebook handsetThe Samsung Replenish was announced We heard a rumor that the Rogers' Xperia Arc and Xperia Play may be set for an April 28th releaseAnd finally, possibly the biggest news we covered last week, the HTC Sensation, a dual-core, Gingerbread beast was announced for Tmobile and shown off in a promo video.

Now, on to some other miscellaneous news from last week. Livio released a car internet radio app, Esurance Mobile joined the Android app party, some bits and pieces of Honeycomb hit the AOSP repository, and Skype for the HTC Thunderbolt leaked to the internet. AutoDesk announced an AutoCAD app for Android, Andy Rubin was promoted within Google, HTC showed strong Q1 numbers thanks to Android, and Google released new Android tools for Android App Admins.

Finishing up the week, CyanogenMod 7 was recognized on over 100,000 devices in just two days, our own Phil Esposito reviewed Regina Launcher 3D, Sprint enabled carrier billing for the Android Market, and we learned that HTC Sense 3.0 will only run on the latest HTC Sense devices (officially). The Android Market topped 3 billion app downloads, the HTC Sensation ROM was leaked, and we got a chance to sit down with Harold de Kort, the Communications Manager for Sony Ericsson, to ask him a few questions.

Well, that's about all we have time for today, so join me next week as I cover all the latest devices and Android news reported by our awesome AndroidGuys crew! writing service

funny picture) so bright) after that article seems even better))


Still haven't received ota update for droid x. : (


Still haven't received ota update for droid x. : (


Still haven't received ota update for droid x. : (


Still haven't received ota update for droid x. : (


Still haven't received ota update for droid x. : (


Still haven't received ota update for droid x. : (


Still haven't received ota update for droid x. : (

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