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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc crowned best mobile phone

The Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc has shown itself to be the phone that finally knocks the HTC Desire off the perch of best mobile phone in the world.

TechRadar’s ranking of the 20 best handsets is our definitive list, helping you work out which phone to pick up, and has had millions of views since its launch last year.

The HTC Desire has sat proudly atop that list since its launch last year, but now there’s a new smartphone cowboy on the scene in the shape of the Xperia Arc.

It was an nigh-on impossible task to choose a winner, with all of the top 20 proving to be quality smartphones – and the HTC Desire S and Desire staging the mobile version of a Greek tragedy at numbers two and three below the Xperia Arc.

Still all about HTC

HTC was the best represented on the list, nabbing six of the 20 slots, with Samsung stealing four (with the Galaxy S proving its longevity at number five).

INQ was a new entry with the Cloud Touch, although the Orange San Francisco nabbed the title of ‘best budget phone’ at number nine.

Predictably, Android was the dominant OS with 16 of the entries running the Google OS – but it’s good to see Bada, BlackBerry OS and Symbian in the mix too.

We’re still waiting to see where the Samsung Galaxy S2 and the HTC Sensation land in our ranking – but right now it’s Sony Ericsson proving that it’s finally moving in the right direction with the gorgeous Xperia Arc sitting pretty at number one.

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