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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Instinctiv Music Player Combines Best of Your Favorite Music Apps

We just learned of a new music player for Android that we think you guys and gals might be interested in taking a look at.  It's called Instincitv Music Player, and it looks to feature many of the features from other popular Android apps.  Features include wireless sync (dobuleTwist), song identification (Shazam), and personalized smart playback (Pandora).   Once the desktop PC and Mac clients are installed, users can imports the entire music library from iTunes, Winamp and Windows Media Player.

SyncStreamTM allows for wireless between desktop and mobile clients thanks to this thing called the cloud.  Play your entire library of music across multiple devices, even without an internet connection.  Instinctiv Shuffle learns your listening preferences and musical tastes and will tailor playlists based on your mood.  Users can select a song to set the mood or just play tracks that you feel like listening to at the moment.  Insitinctiv learns how you are feeling and creates customized playlists without the need to rate or thumbs up a track. Hear something on the radio or in the bar?  Break out the Identifitm feature and identify that song so you can add it to your library (purchase) or share your discovery with friends.

Head to Insitinctiv's website to learn more about the app and features.  While you are there, grab the desktop client and get started!  Hit the Android Market and get the free app for any handsets (or tablets) with 1.6 or higher!



Seems far too feature rich to be as good as it sounds. But I'm a sucker for early adoption, so I'll give it a whirl.

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