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Thursday, April 21, 2011

RadioShack Bragging Up Tablet Offerings

RadioShack wants you to know that they've gotten pretty serious in the tablet game lately so they issued a press release.  If you're in the market for a new tablet, they would love for you to consider them.  So what are they offering up? Well for starters, they recently added the Wi-Fi Motorola XOOM for $599.99 and the 7-inch Velocity Micro T103 Cruz tablet for $199.99. These two join the Galaxy Tab, Dell Streak and a couple of uninteresting non-Android tablets in a growing lineup.  The next time you or a loved one is looking for a (Android) tablet, tell them to hit The Shack while they are out and about! Of Awes

I've had a Radio Shack tablet for a very, very long time:

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