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Thursday, April 21, 2011

TV on the Android: CNN and HBO Apps for Android

Apparently it's cable TV week for Android users, with CNN launching a smartphone app for Android to go along with their tablet-optimized app, and HBO announcing a streaming video app to launch in May.CNN has had a tablet-optimized app for Honeycomb devices in the Market for a couple of months, but this week released a smartphone app the rest of the Android world can use. In addition to the news stories and video you expect, the free app features a customizable widget, breaking news alerts, live video feeds, CNN Radio, and the ability to tip off CNN about news you're witnessing via iReport.porting applicazioni iphone android

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1 comment:

  1. It's not tough to spot the best Android app developers. All you need to do is simply look at their applications. Even the brand-new Android owner can tell you which apps took talent and which were hastily done without regard to the end result.


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