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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Samsung preparing a 2GHz dual-core smartphone for 2012

This entry was posted in Android Latest, Android News, Latest News, Samsung and tagged 2GHz dual-core Android Phone, 2GHz dual-core processor, 2GHz dual-core smartphone, Android Latest, Android News, Exynos processor, latest, Latest Samsung, news, Samsung, Samsung Exynos, Samsung News. Bookmark the permalink.← Download Geeky Avatar Free Android app, cool and colorful Avatars for your address bookSkype for Android now support 3G calling, fixes security issues → You are here: Home » Android Latest »

Tags: 2GHz dual-core Android Phone, 2GHz dual-core processor, 2GHz dual-core smartphone, Android Latest, Android News, Exynos processor, latest, Latest Samsung, news, Samsung, Samsung Exynos, Samsung News

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