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Monday, July 11, 2011

HTC: Unlocked Bootloaders for EVO 3D, Sensation Expected by September

HTC has taken to Facebook to announce that they have taken one step closer to unlocking the bootloaders for their new Sensation 4G (T-Mobile) and EVO 3D (Sprint).  According to the handset maker, they are currently in the process of testing the system out, hoping to have it ready for September.

We’re thrilled to announce today that software updates to support bootloader unlocking will begin rolling out in August for the global HTC Sensation, followed by the HTC Sensation 4G on T-Mobile USA and the HTC EVO 3D on Sprint. We’re in the testing phase for the unlocking capability now, and we expect it to be fully operational by early September for devices that have received the software updates. We’ll continue rolling out the unlocking capability over time to other devices as part of maintenance releases and new shipments.

The issue of bootloaders may not matter to many Android users, but it's really important to those that care.  We'll be really happy once HTC gets out in front of the situation and starts to show other device makers how much good will is behind such a move.  It certainly won't hurt their growth!

Via: DroidMatters

Thanks for the heads up, zack!


You    say  you    love     wisteria  ,     because     it  has a    beautiful    ancient legend  ,     has      been     pursuing      a symbol     of your     beautiful   love  is     still     blank .      I said     I love     wisteria ,     vines    and    vine    romance     by  watching    , flowers     and     flower     clusters    dependent    tight ,      seamless     so dear ,     it  seems       no longer     feel  cold    and    lonely.    So  you     say      Xuan     please     let  me     hold    your    hand    do  not    let     go


HTC rules! I was hoping due to the fact im a rom flash addict it could be done sooner, but i do understand that from htc side of it this is prolly easier said than done. I think the way they have handled it and the speed in which they responded to this matter giving us progress reports on it are first class. Well done htc. Ive still got that comment ringing in my head from moto saying if you dont like it dont buy it.

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