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Saturday, March 31, 2012

ICS Public Beta for the MEIZU MX or M9 now live

Rock the Meizu MX or the M9? Then we got good news for you, people, the public beta for the ICS firmware is now a go, after a little over a month of private testing. You can get more info from the press release attached at the bottom of the post.

It’s really good to see news pouring through of Ice Cream Sandwich updates rolling out for another device at a more regular rate now. Needless it say most of us have been disappointed with the pace up until now. Heck, not even all the Nexus S users are on ICS yet.

MEIZU releases stock Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich firmware for MX and M9

HONG KONG - March 30, 2012 - MEIZU has today released a public beta testing version of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich for the MEIZU MX and M9. The newly released firmware will be based on stock Android 4.0 without any customizations.

The Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade brings an entirely new look and feel to Android on MEIZU MX and M9, with a redesigned user interface as well as new design and usage concepts.

Prior to the public beta testing, MEIZU launched a private beta testing program for Android 4.0, which began mid-February for the MEIZU M9. During the private beta, users were amazed at the speed and responsiveness of the testing firmware. The newly released public beta firmware brings many bug fixes and also the support for MEIZU’s flagship device, the MX.

With the release of the public beta testing stock Android firmware, the company continues supporting the MEIZU M9, a device that has been on the market for more than a year. By doing so, MEIZU once again displays its focused commitment to the user experience and satisfaction of its many customers and fans.

The ICS beta firmware is available as of today for the MEIZU MX and M9.


Founded in 2003, MEIZU began producing music players which later came to be world renowned. Since 2008, all efforts have been focused on creating great smartphones, which has made the company one of China’s most loved smartphone brands. As a company, MEIZU seeks to transcend convention and imagination, with the ultimate goal of making products worthy of dreams. For more information, please visit


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