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Monday, May 2, 2011

NFC capable HTC Sensation successor arrives in Q3 2011

HTC’s latest flagship Smartphone HTC Sensation yet to be reach it’s potential customer, a sales manager from HTC confirmed HTC planning to bring NFC-capable high-end smartphone to market in the 3rd quarter of 2011 which would be the successor of HTC Sensation. It seems very true as early rumors also suggested HTC to bring a LTE and NFC capable Smartphone in second half of 2011.

NFC (Near Filed Communication) based device is use to provide a painless payment system, which allow you to tag any product with NFC capable devices such smartphones. All you have to do is just hold your device to the product’s tag and it will give you all necessary information including prices, the same way you can just make payment by holding your Smartphone near a device in the cashier.

Nokia has been placing NFC in their devices for quite some time now, but somehow NFC were ignored to widely use in marketing. But recently Google working to develop a whole new market of NFC with integration of Google Checkout. Thus, it is no surprise that a lot of companies see huge potential in this space. Even giant Apple also planning to equipped NFC in their upcoming iPhone. The only NFC capable Android Smartphone is Nexus S made by Smasung in collaboration of Google. Watch below video overview of NFC on Android:

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